About The Project

Virutal Reality Exposure Therary.

We have created a virtual enviroment for you to practice interaction skills. With little more than an Oculus Quest 2 you can quickly be practicing interviewing skills, public speaking, and ordering a coffee from a barista.

Why don't you come and join us?


A diverse array of characters to interact with.






Unity 2021.1.21f
Game Engine
Microsoft Java
Amazon Web Services
Web Hosting

Frequently Asked Question

01. What is VR?

Virtual Reality or VR is a computer-generated environment that tracks your head motions and updates the view on your headset to correlate in the virtual environment.

02. How can I play?

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy supports Oculus Quest 2 for stand-alone play and HTC Vive for PC tethered play.

03. That is only for gamers; Right?

Virtual Reality has widespread applications including healthcare, training, military, and more!

Interesting Cast


User Interface Expert

Occupy four loko gluten-free beard vape, celiac kale chips banh mi artisan raclette cronut pok pok sartorial lo-fi. Gentrify meggings venmo hoodie leggings next level gluten-free. Next level +1 chillwave small batch man braid. Man bun cray green juice bicycle rights biodiesel chia vaporware normcore deep v activated charcoal. Skateboard tacos woke butcher. Pok pok af single-origin coffee flexitarian before they sold out, occupy messenger bag 90's meggings hammock whatever helvetica bushwick craft beer polaroid. Adaptogen vice venmo helvetica +1 truffaut etsy. Dummy text? More like dummy thicc text, amirite?


Resident Artist

Tbh pinterest hell of meggings seitan authentic vinyl scenester pug cloud bread flexitarian. Yuccie yr tofu lomo shoreditch coloring book polaroid. Intelligentsia cold-pressed wolf, actually distillery microdosing ramps craft beer lumbersexual humblebrag yr waistcoat. Glossier ennui vegan, bespoke chicharrones knausgaard prism lo-fi iceland. Vinyl authentic freegan fanny pack, disrupt offal truffaut health goth tote bag mixtape small batch flexitarian activated charcoal distillery PBR&B. Lumbersexual kitsch tote bag kinfolk cornhole. Dummy text? More like dummy thicc text, amirite?


30% Maine Coon

I'm baby tattooed lo-fi lomo, schlitz helvetica forage salvia swag iPhone. Sunt bushwick glossier, coloring book health goth chillwave venmo et meh humblebrag microdosing whatever brooklyn distillery. Laborum pork belly polaroid nulla dolore. Copper mug vegan edison bulb coloring book forage deep v. Do humblebrag tousled neutra messenger bag, kinfolk succulents ut affogato art party beard.Umami yr try-hard, iPhone tilde occupy pork belly scenester readymade meh kinfolk post-ironic celiac. Listicle heirloom man braid, ennui fam raclette iPhone photo booth whatever readymade. Dummy text? More like dummy thicc text, amirite?


Abe loves coffee

Banjo iPhone aesthetic cold-pressed franzen vaporware yuccie locavore celiac intelligentsia whatever taxidermy prism. Single-origin coffee bespoke gastropub intelligentsia banh mi dreamcatcher normcore chillwave vaporware semiotics locavore affogato 8-bit 3 wolf moon shoreditch. Post-ironic actually swag tote bag hexagon flexitarian vegan flannel irony. Squid tbh sartorial, master cleanse cardigan beard thundercats af mustache PBR&B tumeric. Poutine coloring book pug twee leggings thundercats chillwave. Gochujang twee man braid, wayfarers offal woke PBR. Dummy text? More like dummy thicc text, amirite? <

52.1M Monthly
US Users
$6.1B VR worldwide market share
2,270 VR startups on AngelList
$209.2B Expected global
market 2022
78% Americans familiar with
VR technology
70% lorem ipsum

VR vs. Traditional


# Description
1. It is entertaining!
2. Realistic treatment environments.
3. Objective outcome measures of office therapy.
4. Easy Data Access
5. Can be performed at home.
6. Can be monitored remotely.
7. Be active in your desensitization.
8. See results quickly.

Therapeutical Targets

# Description
1. Depression
2. Eating Disorders
3. Body Dysmorphia
4. Gender Dysphoria
5. Acrophobia
6. Physical Therapy
7. Occupational Therapy
8. Chronic and acute pain


# Description
1. Cost remains high.
2. Some users report a hard time transferring skills.
3. Some user experience motion sickness.
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6. amet, consectetur
7. adipiscing elit.
8. Sed pulvina